This has a nice calm feeling to it. I love the melody
This has a nice calm feeling to it. I love the melody
dang it i want to make in gd but what to make
How do you make this in 46 minutes? I can’t make crap in 2 days and who in the back getting your attention 0:46
Pov mythic rated plat
I barely hear the hexagon force. Even a different genre slid in i think. You can take someones song, beat the living sh** out of it and it’s still good. IMAGINE LOW PITCHING THIS IN A DEMON OMG
I don’t know japanese but i’ll put it in translate and i’ll let you translate this:
Train Station というジオメトリ ダッシュ レベルを作成する予定ですが、ノーマルかハードになる可能性があります。プレイしたい場合は、私のユーザー名は Progamer870 です
I’ll try to release by August, but no guarantees because now that i beat a demon, my new goal is a rated level!
Good luck with your project!
Trying to make a level with cannons setting off and you have to dodge them i might use this
Sounds awesome! good luck
Joined on 4/1/24